Pupil Premium
Introduced in April 2011 the Pupil Premium (PP) “is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils.” (DFE, 2022) PP is paid to schools for children from low-income families who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals or have been eligible in the past six years, are ‘Children Looked After by the Local Authority’ or are ‘service children’.
Eligibility criteria for PP funding can be accessed on the Department for Education website:
St Peter’s Collegiate Academy uses the PP funding to raise achievement through high-quality teaching, targeted academic support and wider strategies to mitigate for barriers encountered by pupils and their families. These initiatives aspire to improve the progress of PP pupils so that it is comparable to their peers. In 2021/22 St Peter’s Collegiate Academy has 347 pupils eligible for PP, as an Academy we receive approximately £341,795. We allocate this funding to initiatives including but not limited to:
High-quality teaching
- Additional teaching staff in core subjects
- One to one support
- Individual and small group teaching for literacy and numeracy
- Targeted interventions
- Accelerated reader and GL Assessments
- Educational visits
Targeted support
- Attendance
- Mentoring programme
- School uniform
- Equipment
- Enrichment curriculum including sport, performance and outdoor education
- Pastoral support including at points of transition
- Device access
- Transport to and from the Academy
Wider strategies
- Pathway curriculum
- Restorative practice
- Behaviour for learning routines
- Work experience
The Pupil Premium Strategy Plan is reviewed and updated between June and September every year.
Please find the latest Pupil Premium Strategy Plan in the download links below.