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  • Collective Worship

    St Peter’s Collegiate Academy - A Worshipping Community

    As a Church school, grounded in Christian ethos, our prayer is that we encourage a natural and relevant exploration, experience and expression of Christian faith, centred on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ, which is demonstrated across all areas of the school community. As we encourage and enable each other individually and collectively, in the pursuit of our school aim, seeking to love God and serve the community, Jesus’ commands provide the foundation for living out a life of worship and purpose. 

    We actively encourage the exploration, experience and expression of Christian worship that is intentional, inclusive and inspiring to all, in order to guide and enable spiritual growth to effectively 'Live Life! Live Faith!'  Thus, we seek to encourage:

    • the exploration of Christian faith based on biblical teaching and practices with particular focus on the person and teaching of Jesus;
    • opportunities to engage in different experiences of Christian worship, both personal and collective, using Anglican traditions as well as contemporary expressions of worship, prayer and times of reflection; 
    • the expression of Christian faith through the practical applications of our Christian ethos through charitable acts and service within the school and the wider community.

    Interactive worship in form/year groups, takes place daily across the whole school. Our Chaplain and members of the Chaplaincy Team are on hand to advise, help and support students and staff in planning and leading worship.

    Eucharistic celebrations are held at key times throughout the school year, notably Christmas and Easter. Year 7 and Year 12  attend respective Dedication and Welcome Services at the start of the academic year whilst Year 11 and Year13 have leavers services at the end.

    The Chapel is open before school/lunchtimes for worship and reflection: every Wednesday a.m. for staff prayers and for ‘Wild Worship’(Gospel Choir) at lunch. On Thursday lunchtime student prayers take place as well as  ‘BBQ - Big Bible Questions’ exploring the relevance of scripture to life.

    ‘The Gathering’ (Christian Union) meets on Thursdays providing encouragement to one another in living out Christian faith within school. All year groups are welcome.

    Joe Maggs, Academy Chaplain